If you have arrived here it’s because you have jumped on the 123 Challenge blog-train!!!
First of all, Charmane has asked us to answer a couple of questions to let you all know a bit MORE about us Creative Team Members. So here we go…
What’s your blog addy? Your here!!! LOL just copy and paste the address from the box above :)
Are you on any Website Design Teams? As you can see from my blog side bar Iam on a couple of fabulous creative teams; 123 :) :) :), the fabulous Beyond the Door :) :) :) and the fabulous Scrap the Boys :) :) :)
Are you on any other Creative Team Blog Challenges? Which ones? Not at the moment coz I am away on holidays but I hope to get right back into it by the end of September :)
What else are you involved in creatively and how/where/when did you get involved?
What other types of creative stuff Welllllllllll I do create for one of the most amazing and in MHO THE BEST Design Teams to be on in Australia and that is the Australian Wholesaler Aussie Scrap Source!!! I consider it an honor and just the most amazing buzz to be on this amazing team!! The calibre of creatives on this team is mindblowing!! And I just have to say that creating for Cheryl Chris and Suz it just the best gig!!!! I think I have been creating for Aussie Scrap Source for about 3 years now!! {If I say nice things then hopefully Suz will continue to give me the mist and stamp breifs!!!! LOL} :) :) :)
I also create for one of the most amazing Chipboard manufacturers in Australia!!! IMAGINARIUM DESIGNS!!! I cannot begin to tell you how fabulous, generous and supportive Jane is to her team, and especially me. I think there is always something special about manufacturers and wholesalers who arent scared to take on and keep a creative who is just a little bit outside the square!!!!!
What are you working on at the moment?
Well not a whole lot LOL I am away on holidays at the moment I have been traveling around the US with stops in New York, Washington, Orlando, Miami, Niagra, Toronto [for an hour or two lol], Las Vegas, San Fanciso and next will be Santa Monica before Flying home :) Here is a link to my photo blog if you would like to see some photos of my trip so far :)
As you can appreciate this is a trip of a life time for me! Iam turning the big 50 this year so it was a bit of a pressie to clebrate getting old LOL :(!!!
One of the higlights was spending 4 weeks in New York. I did lots of amazing things in this time; 2 especially fabulous things were going to the Museum of Modern Art [MOMa], and catching up with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer!! An amazing and fave creative. I caught up with Julie a few times, the first was at MOMa, then again for a craft afternoon, and then again for a quite creative day [Oh Bliss LOL :)]
So with that in mind Ill share a couple of photos of my creative day with Julie and some of the pages out of my travel journal. They are fairly simple in style as you can see, that is me!! LOL and I had to pack light. If you are interested in what I bought with me for my journaling take a gander at my photo blog I included a pic in one of my first NYC posts :) :) :)
This would be Julie leaning back and and asking if I thought her canvas needed anything else, my comment was,.... your asking me? the minimalist????? LOLOL :)
My space on Julies dinning table :)
So there’s a little about ME, now its time for the 123 Challenge details!
We have LOTS of prizes to giveaway – you will see as you check out everyone’s blogs what we have in store!
Oooooooooooooops I for got to put in a pic of what I am donating :) :) :) Soome amazing Imanginarium Designs Chipboard!!!!!!!!!
This pic is a close up of one of my designs that will be included; Burlap Square, Feathers, Peacock Feather, Twin Heart and Mooooooooooooooooooore :):) :)

For your chance to win, leave a comment and collect the words from each blog. Once you have finished, email the list of words to challenge_123@hotmail.com along with your name by midnight Wednesday 21st September.
And, here is the full list just in case you get lost...
Charmane Koch - http://ourbrightstarsandus.typepad.com/charmscreations/
Angela Churchill - http://angc-littlebitsofme.blogspot.com/
Nicolee Cable - http://nixnac.blogspot.com/
Louise Nelson - http://louise-justloolabelle.blogspot.com/
Kerry Murray - http://kerry-scrapskerry.blogspot.com/
Giovanna Scott - http://giovannascott.com/blog-2/
Mandy Dodd - http://www.teacupofscrapisms.blogspot.com/
So, your next stop on the hop is the awesomleeeeey talented Kerry Murray - http://kerry-scrapskerry.blogspot.com/
Don't forget to write down your word, before you go – Imaginarium Designs
Weeelllll Guys I really do hope you enjoy this amazing creative 123 blog hop!!!!!
Cheers and Happy Creative 123 Scrapping from me in San Fancisco :)
Lou :) :) :) xxx
OMG!!! you're (this) close to me (SJ to SF) and I'm not meeting my most favorite mixed media artist (YOU) IRL?!!!!!!! ooooooh. I can't stand it! : .)
Hi <3 Tooting along on the 123 train.. always see your lovely work inSBM on a regular basis- wish I was as great at mininamilist as you!!! Ps 50 isnt old :P
Love your art journal inspires me, and for that I thank you!
Hi Lou - Thank you for all of your wonderful sharing - I love these journal pages and I have been loving all of your pics and posts from your trip - so much fun you are having!! xox
Hi, what a suprise, went to check out your blog to find out about this blog hop!!! Am having fun :)
Oh wow what a fantastic Blog, glad I hopped of the train to check you out!!!
toooot toooot :0) xx
A trip of a lifetime- sounds amazing!
Glad to see you are having a fabulous holiday. I can't believe you are having managing so much blogging while on holidays. Love all the posts of facebook as well.
I adore your work :)
Wow what a fantastic holiday you're having. I loved San Fran when i visited there such a lovely city, have fun! Cheers, Leonie
Toot Toot! Just dropping in to say hi on the blog hop. Wow how lucky are you to be travelling OS enjoy :)
Oh and Happy Birthday!!
WOW!! You are very talented!!
sounds like a great holiday!
<3 Ya!!
On the train and enjoying each stop. You are very talented, beautiful work.
Jealousy ain't the half of it....USA.... lucky you... hope you have the hol of a lifetime.... I'm turning 50 next year..... might've given me a bit of an idea!!!!! Toot-toot... ooh, & I love the black 'inky' design of your blog page:)
just popping by on the blog hop, wow what an amazing art journal! Take care xx
Stalking, stalking, stalking ;) hahaha x
Hadn't realised I hadn't commented here anyway??? Loved these...the butterfly one is a stunner, as well at the feather one!
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