Ever since Lucy and Nat put me onto the site, Ive been absolutely loving the challenges and the creative inspiration from all the creative team and scrappers who join in!!!
A lot of Wooooop Woooop happening here in Adelaide at the MO!! LOL :) :) :)
KRAFT Rokz!!!
To celebrate I thought I would give you a laugh!!!!.... this is the very first Kraft LO I did when I first started scrapping dated.......22nd November 2006 [eeeek!!] LOL

Lou xox
Hehe I've just posted on there blog too! Congrats girl...couldn't think of anyone more perfect to inspire ;)
Your face is popping up all over the place...always knew you would go far!
Will continue to look forward to seeing what you come up with. xx
Wow now that is a little different from the style I know Miss Louise, I just popped over and left you a message on KIU. Super congratulations. Melxx
Huge congrats Lou! Looking forward to working on the KIU team with you :)
Isn't it amazing how our scrapping style changes over the years!
You are on a role Girl!!! Congrats on the two gigs, you must be over the moon :)
Can't wait to see what you come up with and love seeing some of your first works too :)
Hope your having a lovely week xx Lauren
For months I´m visiting your blog - So sorry for leaving now my first comment! your style (the actual one) is sooo inspiring!!!Thank you so much!!
congrats!!! actually I am not surprised, you HAD to be there, you are a real queen of kraft:)
Congratulations Lou.
You rock!
And so does your very first kraft layout.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your new photo.
You rock! (Did I already say that?!?!)
CONGRATS!!!! This is awesome Lou! Such a perfect fit for you :D And ummm yeah....you wont be seeing my first LO anytime soon, lol ;)
That site had you written all over it Louise x0x0x Wow 5 years... I think I need to put an order in for an update (for ME to own) layout, I remember this layout style, have some thing simlar in my creative I knew them when album!!! x0x0x Doing a happy dance here for you sweet,and OMG I adore your new photo Beautiful xxx I love all your creative styles xxx
well done Lou. I couldn't think of anyone better for the Kraft cause. You are so clever and inspiring.
totally love your first layout..LOL.. isnt looking back so fun... but anyho... just remember your first lo was the one that started this incredible journey to SCRAPPIN CELEBRITY that you are now. .and you totally deserve it...
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