How are you??????
Well Im haven a terrific time in Brissy!! Meeting soooooooo many new scrappy peoples, which is eva soo cool!!! Lotsa terrific shopping!!! Staying on and playing with some terrific peoplesssss!

Tomorrow Im haven a photo shoot with this awesome photographer!! :) :) :)
Cheers and Happy Scrapping, Lou xxx
miss you too!
Also, I put you down to teach on Sept 4th
Sounds like you are having a great time Lou!! Am off to see that exhibition on Sunday!!! Can wait! Going to take a peak at the hats too :)
cripes Lou. Who's feet are they???? You cant be that good a contortionist to get that angle of your own tootsies.
wow..jealous much.. i so want to see that exhibit. yay..
ahhh lou.... think i caught a glimpse of you on Sat when having an early bite with leanne A b4 my 12:00 class... soo sorry i missed you! wasn't it fab? can't believe i didn't take my camera out once at the expo!! {bum} ... too busy spendin' : )
cracker shots x
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