I finally got to photograph my mystery project that I subbed for the SMMasters. Like my other entries it was a 'personal' project, created for me. There was neva going to be anything stunning about it creatively, it was neva going to 'Shine' STS, but its what I was compelled to create. Recently and in the past I have had issues with computer crashes and loosing photos and thefts/house breakins where I have lost personal momentos and memory keepsakes. With that in mind I made 3 'memory boxes' each containing little twinchie mini books, I also included; a little organza drawstring bag which held the last of my little keepsakes, newspaper obit's of loved ones, and much loved photos - 2" x 2". The twinchie mini's are for the recording/jounalling of significant/memorable moments that I needed to get down for personal reasons.

Oh and while I was filling and organising the above photos I came across this pic, it is of myvery first Honerable Mention 05/06 I think it was. I still remember today how I felt when I found out that I had got an honerable mention,..... and that feeling hasnt really changed, Ive just being overly demostrative with the joy! LOLOL. Still to this day, despite that it lookes 'dated', this Layout is a personal fave, for many reasons!
Well thats it for the mo! I still havent got a Masters mag, but Ill be stalking my newsagent on Wednesday to get my hands on one, she sees me walk past and yells out, 'its still not here yet' LOL, Ive been cheking since the subscribers mags came out LOL.
Cheers and Happy Scrapping, Lou xxx
Lovely stuff Louise and what a great idea with the boxes. They are gorgeous! x
oh wowsers, they look amazing Lou, I so wish i could see them in real life, the details would be just jaw dropping!
Love them!!!
sorry lou but i have to disagree, they ARE stunning, so detailed. gorgeous.
your boxes and little twinchie mini books look AMAZING!
I certainly think they ARE stunning!!
ditto to all the comments above :) I also love your double in the current SBM master edition it is totally totally fab x0x0x
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