Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aussie Scrap Source :) :) :)

Hello Hello Guys

Now I know Ive said this before,....but I so so love the breifs I get from Aussie Scrap Source!! The stretch me in ways Im sure my creativity would not have gone If I was left to my own devices!!!! STS!

One of the new Directions the Creative Inspiration that Suz is Taking the ASS Inspiration Blog is Trends for 2010!! Each team member will share with you what they see as a strong trend and/or influence on our fabulous craft! I was absolutely stoked to be able to share my thoughts on the influence of Mixed Media, tho I must admittttt I could have created a 100 STS LO's to demonstrate this LOLOL!!! Chek out the link :) :) :), the next 2 LO's are what I created for this post :)

Aaaaah Crafters Workshop templates :) :) :) another of my fabo breifs for ASS, go chek out what the other Fabulous team members [Suz, Kathie and Nic] have created!!!!! The LO's below are what I did :) :) :)

Cheers and much scrappy you know What!!!!
Lou xoxo


Her Essential Hand said...

my goodness... I know I have said this before, BUT... I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work... super inspiring!!! l love how arty your pages are, something I cant do.
:) x

sandra said...

oh my when I read the 'briefs' you get my mind went to a completely different definition of the word briefs rofl!
These are just stunning Louise.
Love how you get the very most out of your use of colour.
truly inspirational.

Peggy said...

Wow, I'm such a fan *sigh* ... always impressed by your art!
xxx Peggy

Jasmine Bailey-Barfuss said...

gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS as per usual!!

Leanne J said...

can i just say a HUGE>.. WOot De WOot WOOt.. especially love the yellow with the birdy edge.. but as per fantastic usualy these all so totally rok.. you are a..MAAAAY..zin... {trying to spell it how my ds says it... }.. wow.

Tiff Firth said...

ohhhh love the snap shot in time. that tree brush(???)really caught my attention. and the colours. I do recognise that snap too.