This Faabulous 'colouring in and cutting out' was created by the very talented Nate O'Neill !!!!!
WTG Nate and thank you so very much for sharen your gorgeous art with me/us !!!!
I just have to share what his very proud mum Mel said;........
I just had to show you what my gorgeous little 3 year old has created all by
himself, he made these and I told him I would show LOU so I hope you like his
efforts, you know he cut around that clown all by himself, he is super amazing
with scissors
Im soo loven this sharen of kids art it so Rocks, thank you alll so far for sending it in!!!
And a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge thank you to all the lovely comments you have been making!! Ive been forwarding them on to these great kidz!!!
Cheers and Happy Art making!!
Lou xxx