What more could this Scrappy Girl Want!!! LOLFirst up are my Feb
Scrapjacks, we are jacking some awesome creatives this month, please
go take a gander the team has created the most awesome stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This next one I did for the first challenge at a Faaabulous new site called
Kraft It Up, its all about 'Kraft' sooooo whatz not 2 love about this site LOL!!!

These next layouts are featuring some woooonderful new releases from Scrapware, juuuuuust delicious!!!!!!!

Scrapware also has a new Blog so make sure you update your links so that you can keep up-to-date on all their chippie goodness!!!!
Well thats all for me for the mo! Ill be back sunday to update with my Aussie Dares and Creative Type LO's
Cheers and Happy Scrapping
Lou xoxoxo