Monday, October 18, 2010

Some Challenge shares from some Awwwwwesome Aussie challenge sites :) :) :)

Hi Guys

Ive got a couple of posts to do today so I apologise in advance for the image overload. But Ive been haven sooooo much scrappy fun!! and you have to suffer for it LOLOL :)

First up is my layout for Scrap the Boys!!! it was meant to have lotsa awesome texture with material etc, but I got a bit caught up on my love for string, paper and cardboard eeek, Im so so lucky that Susan is very tolerant of my creative whimsy!!!

Next is my layout for the mid october Stuck?! Sketch!!!!!
So so loved creating to this sketch :) :) :)

Cheers and Ill be back sooooon :)
PS A Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge THANK YOU TO YOU ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS RE MY Somerset Joy :) xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Does the fact that these were uploaded at 1pm mean that you had an awesome sleep in??? Was so good to see you over the weekend. These look fabo.. cheers


Much Scrappy You Know What!!!
Lou xxx