Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stuck Sketches aaaand other stuff :) :) :)

Hello Guys

How is your weekend going??? I know my thoughts/prayers and I wish my physical body are in QLD helping out with the clean up. Ive seen that many of my FB buddies are doing just that, I so wish I was helping them!!
Please donot forget the wonderful effforts by a wonderful creative friends at Your Creative Journey and all those fabulous Creatives and artists who have donated!! Please support this wonderful cause in any way you can! :)

Photo by JillGG

This is my take on the Jan 15th Stuck Sketch!!! Chek out what rest of the Awesome team have ccreated :)
Lou xxx
PS thank you alllll for your recent, very wonderful comments xxxx


  1. Your layouts are gorgeous, as always! Can't wait to see what you come up with in your art journal!

  2. So much eye candy going on - love how you work the materials.

  3. O my lou... love them all, but that first one knocked my socks off... what, bein a fan of muslin too. Its just STUNNING!! x

  4. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Love these so much xox


Much Scrappy You Know What!!!
Lou xxx